
Survey - scope of the Local Plan Review


South Downs National Park Local Plan logo showing young child and adult walking by homes with blue butterfly

Key issues for the Local Plan to address

We have started work on reviewing the South Downs Local Plan. The review will give us the opportunity to address important issues such as nature recovery and climate change and the types and level of development needed in the National Park, such as affordable homes.  

Vision for the National Park

The Partnership Management Plan sets out the overarching strategy for the management of the National Park and a vision to ensure the South Downs remain a special place in 2050.  This strategy and vision is for all with a responsibility for the National Park, from land owners, conservation bodies, local communities and the SDNP Authority.  

The iconic English lowland landscapes and heritage will have been conserved and greatly enhanced. These inspirational and distinctive places, where people live, work, farm and relax, are adapting well to the impacts of climate change and other pressures. 

People will understand, value, and look after the vital natural services that the National Park provides. Large areas of high-quality and well-managed habitat will form a network supporting wildlife throughout the landscape. 

Opportunities will exist for everyone to discover, enjoy, understand and value the National Park and its special qualities. The relationship between people and landscape will enhance their lives and inspire them to become actively involved in caring for it and using its resources more responsibly. 

Its special qualities will underpin the economic and social wellbeing of the communities in and around it, which will be more self-sustaining and empowered to shape their own future. Its villages and market towns will be thriving centres for residents, visitors and businesses and supporting the wider rural community. 

Successful farming, forestry, tourism and other business activities within the National Park will actively contribute to, and derive economic benefit from, its unique identity and special qualities.

Delivering the Vision 

Planning is one mechanism to help deliver the Vision by 2050.  How important are the following for planning and the Local Plan to best contribute to realising the Vision?:

Distribution of Development

Consultation approach

Thank you for completing this survey.  Your feedback will help inform how we develop the Local Plan Review and future consultations on the draft plan. Please press 'Next' to submit.

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