South Downs National Park Authority Local Plan Review


  • Call for sites (various uses)

    August 2022




    September 2022

    As part of the Local Plan Review and to inform the Land Availability Assessment (LAA) we launched a 'call for sites'. This was an early opportunity for individuals, landowners, town and parish councils and developers to suggest sites within the National Park for development and offsetting up to 2040.
  • Work on the Local Plan Review started






    The National Park Authority made the decision to review the Local Plan in line with Government policy and in order to deliver more through planning on its corporate priorities of addressing the climate emergency, nature recovery and creating a national park for all.
  • Evidence gathering






    We are undertaking or externally commissioning evidence which will support the preparation of the Local Plan Review. In September 2023, we published the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) which makes an assessment of the future housing and employment land in the South Downs National Park. Currently underway are the Land Availability Assessment (development and offsetting sites) and Local Green Space Assessment.
  • Land Availability Assessment & Local Green Space Assessment






    The Land Availability Assessment (LAA) is an essential part of the evidence for the Local Plan Review. The LAA identifies potential land and assesses the availability, suitability and achievability of potential sites. The LAA will not determine whether a site should be allocated for development. However, it will help to identify a potential pool of sites for further consideration through a range of technical work. We expect to publish the initial conclusions of the LAA this Autumn/Winter.
  • Early engagement

    8th July




    16th September

    We are gathering views on the scope of the Local Plan Review and the key issues for it to address (including testing the Vision). We are also asking people how they want to be involved in preparing the new Local Plan.
  • Review feedback and draft policies and allocations

    Autumn 2024





  • Public consultation on draft Local Plan (Reg 18)

    Early 2025





    We will gather feedback on the draft Local Plan Review including proposed site allocations, policies and policies map (Regulation 18 consultation).
  • Review consultation feedback and refine policies / allocations






  • Public Consultation on submission Local Plan (Reg 19)

    Early 2026





    We will invite representations on the pre-submission Local Plan Review (Regulation 19 consultation)