South Downs National Park Authority Local Plan Review

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Early engagement closing soon!

The early engagement on the scope and vision for the South Downs Local Plan Review closes on Monday 16th September, all responses must be received by this time.

The adopted South Downs Local Plan, which says how and where development should take place in the National Park, is being reviewed to make sure it’s up to date and addresses important issues including nature recovery, climate change and supporting local communities to thrive.

We’re keen to hear your views in order to help shape development in the South Downs, both for residents that live in the Park, and visitors that enjoy its amenities and benefits. We encourage you to take 10 to 15 minutes to give us your thoughts. Please also share this message with as many people as possible. 

The current consultation on the scope of the plan and how people want to be involved closes on 16 September. There will be a further consultation on the first draft of the plan early next year.

Any queries? – please let get in contact with us at

Posted on 11th September 2024

by Planning Policy Team

Amended PID document.

Please be aware that the PID (Project Initiation Document) for consultation under our Key Information & Project Documents section has been amended to include Appendices A, B, C, and D.


We had had an increase in contributions since our last news post and look forward to hearing more from you. Please see links to our surveys below:



It’s important for you to give us your views by completing the surveys linked above in order to help shape development in the South Downs, both for residents that live in the Park, and visitors that enjoy its amenities and benefits. We encourage you to take 10 to 15 minutes to give us your thoughts. Please also share this message with as many people as possible. 


The current consultation on the scope of the plan and how people want to be involved closes on 16 September. There will be a further consultation of the first draft of the plan early next year.


Have any events you would like to see us at? Any queries? – please let get in contact with us at 

Posted on 9th August 2024

by James Brazil

Consultation well under way!

Work is well underway with reviewing the South Downs Local Plan and this Summer we’re asking you about the key issues the Local Plan needs to address.


The adopted South Downs Local Plan, which says how and where development should take place in the National Park, is being reviewed to make sure it’s up to date and addresses important issues including nature recovery, climate change and supporting local communities to thrive.


So far, we’ve had over 500 contributions split as follows:


Amongst respondents to the survey for the scope of the local plan the key issue is protecting the landscape. Amongst the youth survey people want cleaner rivers. Interestingly biodiversity ranks second most important between all respondents.


Do you agree with these responses?


It’s important for you to give us your views by completing the surveys linked above in order to help shape development in the South Downs, both for residents that live in the Park, and visitors that enjoy its amenities and benefits. We encourage you to take 10 to 15 minutes to give us your thoughts. Please also share this message with as many people as possible. 


The current consultation on the scope of the plan and how people want to be involved closes on 16 September. There will be a further consultation of the first draft of the plan early next year.


If you want to fill out a paper survey, or just want to talk to a member of our team in person, we’ll be at a range of events in and around the National Park this summer. Saturday 10th August we’re at the Seven Sisters Visitor Centre, and Saturday 24th August we’re at Hassocks Village Market


Have any events you would like to see us at? Any queries? – please let get in contact with us at

Posted on 2nd August 2024

by James Brazil

Key issues for the Local Plan Review

Work has begun on reviewing the South Downs Local Plan and this summer we're asking people what are the key issues the new Local Plan needs to address?

So far, people have told us their top three issues are protecting the landscape, biodiversity loss and water quality.  Do you agree?

Have your say today by completing the survey

We'll be at various events in and around the National Park this summer.  This weekend we'll be at Petersfield Eco Fair or come and see us at the Your National Park Event in Stanmer Park, Brighton on Saturday 27th July.

Posted on 11th July 2024


Local Plan Review is underway

Work has begun on reviewing the South Downs Local Plan.  The review will give us opportunity to address important issues such as nature recovery, climate change and the type and level of development needed in the National Park, such as affordable homes.

From the 8th July to 16th September, tell us what you think the key issues are that the Local Plan needs to address and how you would like to involved in preparing the new Local Plan. 

Posted on 2nd July 2024

by Amy Tyler-Jones